
Monday, April 6, 2020

Richie Mounga George bridge

Richie  Mounga

 Richie  Mounga is my favorite player I have only seen him once in A rugby game I had A photo with him since the last rugby game until the lock down I had only seen 3 games wich sucks on the first , second and third me and my family had the tickets for the 7  games at the orange theory stadium down in christchurch in one of the games we got ice creams after the game we got them from bugger king well they were sundays I got viniler it was so good I was so so tired when I got home then i went to bed

George bridge

George bridge has the same name as me my last name is not bridge it is brocherie not George bridge. George bridge is my second favorite player Richie Mounga is my first. I still like the other players


  1. Hi George - what a shame that you didn't get to watch he other games because of the lockdown. Sounds like a fun time for your family going to Burger King and getting ice cream.

    What other sports do you enjoy watching?

  2. Hi George
    Sadly sport has come to a stop due to the lockdown.
    Are you still training for rugby at your house to keep your fitness and skills up?

  3. George my second favorite player is George Bridge too

    1. thank you👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹

  4. Your story was fantastic!!!!!!

  5. Hi George,

    I bet you will be really happy when Rugby is being played again and you get to see Richie Mounga play some more. I like how George Bridge has the same first name as you too. Do you play rugby?

  6. Ritchie moanga is my favourit rugby player to

    1. thank you you are my second best friend


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